
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Send Some Love Today

Hey friends! Perhaps you might remember that one of my goals for 2012 was to write more letters consistently? Well, I have been kicking ass and taking names as far as that goes. I am LOVING it.

I even joined the Letter Writer's Alliance which is a sweet club for other letter geeks like me (and they sell actual carrier pigeons you can send through the USPS!). And I signed up to participate in the Elevated Envelope project. It challenges you to create some art with the common envelope and send it out to strangers across the world.

Yeah, I pretty much have the letter fever and the only cure is more letters.

But anyway...I am still working on my envelope project idea, but I did want to share some fun envelopes I made a few weeks ago with old papers I had lying around the house. Envelopes are easy and fun and you can make a big ol' stack of them in an afternoon. Just peel an old envelope apart that you don't care much about and trace onto your new paper and cut out. Fold and glue and you're done.

Here's one I made with old sheet music I found at a thrift store.

My glue stick had run out and I didn't feel like leaving the house. My sewing machine was right in front of me and inspiration struck. I think I like sewn envelopes even better than glued! No drying time to boot.

This one was made from a picture book of Switzerland I found at a thrift store.

I also made one out of an old map of California, but I sent it off to my brother before I could snap a photo. He loved it!

The ideas are endless for envelopes. Old maps, magazines, paper grocery bags, old wrapping paper all rock. Thrift stores are great hunting grounds for inexpensive materials. As is the back of your closet.

And, in true crafty style, I took the scraps from my envelope making session and made more paper with it!


  1. I don't like to write letters, but I love to make paper and envelopes...and I adore yours! I try to make envelops out of old calendars since I hate to just recycle them.

  2. Yeah, the letter thing is definitely not for everyone. I love the idea about old calendars! Thanks for fabulous idea!

  3. I remember making envelopes out of old wallpaper sample books when I was little! Such a fun project! I certainly don't send out as much snail mail as I used to.
