
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ode to My Chickens

Blanche and Trudy. I love em. There. I said it!

I mean, look at these ladies. How could you not?

Blanche on the left and Trudy on the right
 Every day I find their eggs in the coop I practically bow down to them in thanks. Their eggs are beautiful and damn near perfect if you ask me. Big brown ones from Blanche. Smallish white ones from the Trudster.

And they don't ask for much in return.  But, we try to give them some goodness. Current faves are juicy slugs, wheat berries, bananas and dandelion greens.

And they have another special fan as well. Stu the cat. He might love them more than me. He likes to sleep next to them for most of the day. The neighbor cat joins him for naps outside the coop occasionally. We're not sure if they are trying to plot the chickens demise or if they simply enjoy the company. Or both.

I didn't think these ladies would bring me so much joy, but holy crap do they ever. I feel so lucky that our friend Tony gave them to us (pretty much in exchange for breakfast) and so incredibly grateful for the food they provide us with.

Maybe one day I'll get around to learning Cluck Old Hen on Matt's banjo so I can serenade them (secret dream!). But, until then, listen to this version. The young girl on the mandolin kills it!

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