
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Peaches. Butterflies. And Being a Bad Ass.

Hope you all had a sweet holiday!

Speaking of sweet, look what our friend Andy brought us this week.

I turned these little guys into peach sorbet. Delicious. Thanks Andy!

Every time I make sorbet, I wonder why I don't make it more often because it is so incredibly easy. Puree fruit, add sugar and a little lemon juice (I used key lime this time) and freeze in an ice cream maker. Done. If you've never made homemade sorbet, I suggest you give it a try. Store bought sorbet just does not compare with homemade. But, I guess that's true for most things.

And here's some more sweetness for you...

Butterflies have been floating around our yard all week. This one hung out on our lawn chair long enough for me to take a few photos. Sigh. Butterflies will never lose their magic on me. And I don't care if that is a cliche in the least!

In biz news, I have been plugging along with getting my Etsy shop up and running. I think it should finished by next week. It's been fun taking all the shop photos and writing the descriptions for my soap, but hard work as well (not complaining-just sayin'). I have taken a few breaks in between working and staring at my computer, where I just zone out, lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling for a 5 minutes or so. Turns out this is actually quite effective.

Here are some of the photos...

mint spuce soap

orange pink grapefruit clove soap

triple lemon soap
 And speaking of small business, my friend Meghan (who's business is beyond inspiring-check it out!) started a 'Bad Ass Ladies in Small Business' group in Flagstaff. We had our first meeting this week and it was awesome.

The group is going to meet once a month for about an hour in the evenings to talk about our goals, swap good business books we've read and provide support and advice. We might even have guest speakers. If you live in Flagstaff and are interested in coming to the next meeting, let me know. Requirements: you must be a woman, you must have a small business/idea/project you are working on, and you must be a bad ass!

And speaking of bad ass, check out the canoe progress...

Amazing to think this was just cedar boards a few weeks ago and that we will be cruising on this come Fall!

Have a great weekend!

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