
Friday, April 8, 2011

How -To: Facial Cleansing Grains

Yep, it’s hailing outside as I write this post. Classic Flagstaff spring weather. Last Friday we were barbecuing in the back yard in t-shirts and flip flops and this Friday there is a 100% chance of snow. But I’m still psyched! And this weather might mean one more good weekend of hot toddies, knitting and watching really bad Jean-Claude Van Damme movies on the couch with Matt before it's too late.

And since I might not be the only one puttering around the house this weekend, methinks a 'how-to' is in order. I’m going to show you how to make one of my favorite things ever. Okay, that’s an exaggeration because strawberry milkshakes currently hold that title, but these facial cleansing grains are pretty awesome. They leave your skin incredibly soft, smell great and are super simple to make. In fact, you might have everything in your kitchen to make them right now!   I usually wash my face with my own soap, but sometimes I want a little scrubby, exfoliating action happening so I use these.  They would be great to use before the facial steam I wrote about previously. And they make great gifts!

plain ol' fashioned goodness

This recipe is based on Rosemary Gladstar’s  ‘Miracle Grains’ found in the book Herbal Healing for Women.  This book is a gem and all the herbal recipes in it are simple, user-friendly and wonderful.

1/8 c. Lavender buds
1/8 c.  Roses
1/2 c. Oats
1/4 c. Clay (I used French green clay, but use your favorite)
A few drops of essential oils (sweet orange and lavender are nice choices)

Directions: Grind lavender, roses and oats in a spice grinder until finely powdered.  Mix with the clay and add essential oils if desired. The herbs smell so good on their own that I rarely add them. When ready to use, mix 1 or 2 tsp. of the grains with plain water (or rose water or honey or both!) to make a paste. Massage onto skin and rinse off.  Or leave on longer for use as a facial mask. Store grains in a jar.

Finally found a use for this sugar shaker!
NOTE: You can be as creative with this recipe as you want! There are no hard and fast rules. The original recipe calls for ground almonds, but I didn’t have any so I left it out. Blue cornmeal would be great. Maybe some ground adzuki beans? Some other ground herbs such as comfrey, sage or calendula might be nice too. Go wild!

Let me know how you like them. Happy Scrubbing!

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