
Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Heart Soap

A few weeks back, I wanted to use a heart shaped silicone mold I have for some Valentine's Day inspired soaps (awww). The soaps turned out okay, but there was a wee problem getting the soaps out of the mold. The soap stays soft in the silicone mold (even after leaving it in the mold for a week), so when I am trying to get it out of the mold it gets squished by my fingers. I think it's an airflow thing because the soaps only stay soft on the botttom of the mold where air isn't reaching them. And once I set them out to cure, they hardened right up, but still have some indents from my fingers. Anybody else have this problem with silicone molds? But, the soaps are still pretty sweet anyway....
I colored the soap with rose clay-pretty!

In other soap making news, I had a bottle of eucalyptus essential oil lying around that I had been wanting to use so I busted out a quick batch of soap with eucalyptus, lemon and lemongrass essential oils. This was a new scent for me, but I love throwing caution to the wind and going for new scent combinations. I decided to keep it free of colorants because I felt the look of pure, white soap would be best for this batch. It smells so refreshing and is on the curing rack now. Ready to use in about 3 weeks!

lemon eucalyptus soap curing


  1. ooOoOOO!
    i want one of the lil' hearts!!! (we are currently experiencing a soap shortage!)

    any chance you're comning to j-tree next week??


    p.s. i'm intrigued about the beer soap!

  2. I want one!!!! I love your new blog! cute name. miss you.

  3. The hearts shall be yours ladies! Hillary-I'll give you some beer soap to try when it's done curing. I'm intrigued too. Em-I'm fixin' to send you a lil' package here shortly. Miss you too and thanks!
